5 Step Easy DIY Cardboard Easter Egg Craft For Toddlers

Cardboard Easter Egg Craft(1)

Looking for an easy and fun Easter craft for your toddler? This painted cardboard Easter egg craft is perfect!

✔️ Mess-free (or at least less messy than real eggs!)
✔️ Great for fine motor skill development
✔️ Eco-friendly – made from recycled cardboard
✔️ A fun alternative to traditional Easter egg dyeing

It was fun to make these, and your little one will love them too! Let’s get started.

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Materials Needed

Cardboard (from cereal boxes, shipping boxes, or craft cardboard)
White watercolor (to create a blank canvas)
Toddler-safe paints or markers
Stickers, washi tape, or glitter glue for decoration
Hole punch & string (optional – to hang the eggs as ornaments)
Paintbrushes or sponges (for fun textures!)

Laminator and laminating film (optional)

Easy Cardboard Easter Eggs hanging from a Tree, hand of a toddler holding one egg

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Cut and Prep the Cardboard Eggs

✂️ Cut egg shapes out of the cardboard. (A template helps keep them even! I attached one below.) Btw with cardboard you can also do this cute paper roll easter bunny.

outline of an easter egg
  • Turn your screen brightness up. Or use a light table. (We had one as kids it’s pretty fun.)
  • Next, draw the shape lightly—don’t press too hard, or you might scratch the screen.
  • Then, cut out the shape and attach it to a piece of cardboard. Trace around it, then cut out the cardboard version for a sturdier template. (It’s best to prep this step before involving your toddler!).
drawing an egg on paper
paper easter egg on cardboard

🖌️ Paint the cardboard eggs white for a clean background. Let them dry completely. It took my eggs around 30 minutes to dry. It really depends on how much paint you used.

➡️ Toddler Tip: If your child loves using a paintbrush, let them help with the base coat! Use toddler safe colors. Water-based colors are usually safer.

Step 2: Let Your Toddler Draw!

🎨 Provide a variety of non-toxic crayons or finger paint.
🖐️ Encourage finger painting, stamping with sponges, or using brushes.

toddler playing with crayons

Ok at 18 months mine wasn’t very interested yet. He played longer with the crayon box than with coloring. That’s fine too! Let your toddler lead. I think he had a lot of fun taking the crayons out, putting them back into the box, while mommy colored next to him.

➡️ Toddler Tip: Talk about colors and let them mix their own shades!

Step 3: Add Stickers & Extra Decor

✨ Once the paint dries, let your toddler go wild with:
✔️ Easter stickers (bunnies, chicks, flowers)
✔️ Washi tape for fun stripes
✔️ Glitter glue for a sparkly effect

toddler opening round stickers

Trying to get some stickers.. Uff this is hard..

toddler with round sticker on his hand

Struggling cause the stickers where just too small. (Thought they were super cute.)

toddler sticking round stickers onto egg

Finally mommy gave me the good stuff! Switched to bigger stickers.

➡️ Toddler Tip: Peeling and placing stickers is great for fine motor skills!

Step 4: Laminate

I thought I could save some film by not using the whole pouch, but alas, using only parts of it created some weird waves. And yes I stupidly punched the holes too fast. I only thought about laminating after the fact.

laminating cardboard easter egg craft

Next, cut out the egg. I was a bit worried the corners might be sharp, but they turned out fine.

hand cutting out laminated easter egg

Step 5: Punch Holes & Hang (Optional)

🪢 Use a hole punch at the top of each egg.

🎀 Thread a ribbon or string through to create hanging decorations. I used some leftover strings from Christmas chocolate. Yes I am still eating christmas chocolate in March (T.T)

finished laminated ceardboard easter egg ornaments hanging from a tree

➡️ Perfect for: Easter trees, window decorations, or DIY Easter garlands!

Why This Craft is Great for Toddlers

🖍️ Encourages creativity – Toddlers love choosing colors and stickers.
💡 Super simple to set up – You’ll not need much and it doesn’t take long.
♻️ Eco-friendly – Uses recycled cardboard instead of plastic decorations.
🎉 Keeps kids entertained – A simple, independent play activity for Easter fun!

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About the Author

Carina is the creative mind behind Mommy’s Craft Time, where she helps parents turn everyday moments into fun, hands-on learning experiences for toddlers. With a passion for sensory play, crafts, and early language development, she shares simple, engaging activities that spark creativity and support cognitive growth.

Whether it’s DIY sensory bins, seasonal crafts, or language-rich activities, she strives to make learning fun and stress-free for parents and kids alike

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Welcome to our little corner! I started this blog so I’d be forced to try new and fun activities with Luca. Some things I try work. Some are utter failures, but even that is fun. Here, I share ideas to help other mums focus on the magic of small moments, because sometimes it’s the littlest things that become the most memorable.

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