10 Most Stunning Busy Boards on Etsy – Busy Board Inspiration

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10 Beautiful Etsy Busy Boards for Inspiration

As a stay-at-home mum, we’re making it work on one income, so DIY is the way to go! I found some really affordable busy board elements on Amazon and AliExpress. But before diving into the project, I browsed Etsy for ideas.

(Prices listed as of March 10, 2025.)

1. Beautiful Wooden Busy Board

💰 Starting at $100

What I love about this busy board:

  • The zipper (perfect for fine motor skills!)
  • The spinner (because spinning things are life for toddlers!)
  • The remote control (my toddler would LOVE this one!)
  • The shoelaces (great for practicing tying skills)
  • The lock (who doesn’t love a good lock?)

2. Simple Wooden Busy Board

💰 Starting at €147.20.

Next one is this simple wooden busy board. It has a lot of features the first one didn’t have. What I especially like is the name “puzzle”.


  • A bicycle bell (such a cute idea!)
  • A puzzle (I assume it’s a puzzle? Either way, I love it.)
  • A phone (Maybe I can find an old dial phone for my DIY version!)
  • A light switch (Not a fan of the electric socket, though—I don’t want to encourage playing with those!)

3. Smaller Busy Board 50x40cm

💰 Starting at €147.20.

Ok, the sparrow and the helicopter are just adorable. Not sure I could DIY that, but it’s a fun idea! I also love the balloon, and I’d like to incorporate something similar.

Ideas I’d like to include:

  • A wooden box with a latch (maybe with a dinosaur?)
  • A clock (if I can DIY it!)
  • Some kind of string element like in the balloon.

4. Giant Busy Board Wall

This one has a lot going on, and I love the variety of ideas. Maybe for a kindergarten this would be interesting. or outdoors on a fence? Of course one would have to make it mold resistant hmm.

Favorite features:

  • Doors on the right (I wonder what’s behind them?!)
  • The old fashioned light switch (Maybe I could get one at second hand stores or flea markets)
  • The phone
  • The car going over the mountains (My toddler loves cars!)

5. + 6. Super Artsy Custom Busy Boards

💰 Starting at €142 for the small ones.

The ones by SmartWoodenToys are pictures of art. Look at how beautiful they were painted. That is something I really want to implement.

Favorite features:

  • Doors on the left (I wonder what’s behind them?!)
  • Artistic designs (The ones by SmartWoodenToys are next-level beautiful.)
  • The bus with different faces (I imagine they represent emotions—such a fun idea!)
  • Turning cubes with images
  • A massage roller (My toddler loves playing with my grandma’s!)
  • A small bell
  • A cartwheel
  • A water pipe knob
  • The beautiful background images!

7. Pastel Colored Busy Board

This one is by LamaBusyBoard (Prices start at $91.49). It is in beautiful pastel colors. What I love about this one are:

  • The sliding puzzle. (There are 2)
  • The bear with a sensory belly.
  • The maze.

8. A Very Color Intensive Busy Board

This one is by HappyBabyClubUA (Prices start at €83.45 on sale). It is in a very bright blue. Maybe a bit too intensive for me. It has a few features I really like.

  • The calculator. Since I have a lot of them at home.
  • The gears.
  • The xylophone.

9. Pastel Colored Busy Board

💰 Starting at $€173.68 on sale (by BusyPuzzle)

What I love:

  • A marble drop (So satisfying!)
  • Puzzle pieces (Not sure how they don’t fall out, though?)

10. Smaller Busy Boards

If you need a busy board for the car the above ones are certainly too big. Which one would you make? One for the wall or one for the car?

From $ 92. Look at this cute bear shape.

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About the Author

Carina is the creative mind behind Mommy’s Craft Time, where she helps parents turn everyday moments into fun, hands-on learning experiences for toddlers. With a passion for sensory play, crafts, and early language development, she shares simple, engaging activities that spark creativity and support cognitive growth.

Whether it’s DIY sensory bins, seasonal crafts, or language-rich activities, she strives to make learning fun and stress-free for parents and kids alike

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